Hi there,

Since you're here, there are three things I must tell you.

One, everyone can write their life. Second, everyone can write. Finally, everyone can.

Let me explain.

I seriously believe you are free to choose the life you want to live. The destiny is yours for the taking. You only need to want it and do it.

If you want to write, all you have to do is write. Well, not just that. But write like you're pouring your soul into every word. Before you know it, you can write.

The same principle applies to anything else you want to achieve. That's why I say "everyone can." You can achieve anything you desire to achieve. Just like writing, just put in that extraordinary effort.

I'm only 27, probably too young to know what the hell I'm talking about. But we're forever too young from the Universe's perspective. Just look at Its age and all the things you would have to learn to claim your experience is better than that of a twenty-seven-year-old.

Yeah, I almost also forgot. Number four, actually. I also believe all experience is a valid experience. So never underestimate what anyone has to say. Even a toddler can teach you something about the world. Think about it.

However, I won't argue. Time is too short to fight against narrow-mindedness.

Perhaps I don't know much. That's fine with me. However, I promise that I only speak from my heart. That's gotta count for something, right?

When I put thoughts into words, you'll be reading the most candid thoughts because I frankly say what goes into my heart. That's where I find the passion, so you'll find that passion in my words as well. Because in the end, it's all about passion. Life's too fantastic to forget about passion. (Yeah, even amidst all the horrors of humankind.)

Another thing I want to make clear is that my English is not native. Again, that could be a point against me—I can't say I won't make mistakes. I can promise you, though, that I try my best to excel in my grammar, and if you can see beyond that and focus on the deepest meaning of what I write, then I'm sure that won't be a concern for you.

I've been writing a few things here and there, but my real passion is Fiction. Fiction is where the real lessons about life can be found. The more I read, the more I appreciate life.

Medium is where I leave some occasional thoughts, like the ones you're reading. I write here because I get to share a bit of me that will hopefully inspire you or someone out there.

Apart from that, I'm writing short stories and aspiring to become a novelist.

Krav Maga is another passion of mine, and I've recently started teaching. I enjoy traditional martial arts and the culture of Bushido.

Reading is essential for me. I like to gorge on all kinds of great books from different genres. Horror and mystery have risen to the top of my chain, and Stephen King is one of my most idolized writers. Why? Because of his inspiring passion and brutal honesty. Another writer that you probably don't know but I totally recommend is Afonso Cruz.

Professionally, I'm into cybersecurity, working as an AppSec Analyst. I enjoy Hacking as well.

I invite you to read my stories about life, myself, society, philosophy, life lessons, writing, IT, productivity, investing, and more. I love sharing stories as much as I love reading a good piece of writing. Again, I can give passion and sincerity, and I believe that real poetry exists when the words can touch you beyond your understanding.

Feel free to reach out to me any time, perhaps to share some experiences. I'll be glad to connect with you :D

Mark Tey, Jan 2024

P.S. Some links for you:

Medium member since January 2024
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Mark Tey 🦊

Mark Tey 🦊

Still learning to tame a writing compulsion that keeps me awake at night. She seems a bit wild for poetry but writes about anything that fits Her restless mood.